Sticky Paws Extra Large Size
Product Description
Sticky Paws keeps cats from scratching
furniture. It will also keep them off anything that you want.
It has been applied to wherever cats like to go but shouldn't
be. It has proven effective as a cat behavior modification tool
to keep them away from stereo speakers, drapes, counter-tops,
even your favorite pillow. Additionally, it completely solves
any moral dilemma about declawing cats. Cats cannot stand the
way it feels on their paws. Sticky Paws is applied directly to
an area on furniture (or wherever you want it) in transparent
adhesive strips. This adhesive, specially formulated for this
product, does two things:
· it keeps Sticky Paws where you want it by adhering to
the surface of where it is placed and...
· it repels the cats with a tacky feel they cannot
The striking factor about Sticky Paws is that most cats tend
to REMEMBER its placement - and it has been seen to be
effective as a deterrent even after removal for as long as 3-4
weeks! For those daring and smarty sweethearts that continue to
try your patience, another application usually does the
· Won't harm furniture! Water soluble, especially
formulated adhesive won't yellow fabric or leave sticky residue
when removed
· Totally transparent so it won't ruin look of
· Non-toxic so it won't harm cats!
· Only requires small strips placed on strategic areas
to be effective
· Makes an excellent gift for cat loving friends!
· Cut to any length needed, works on hard to get to
· Inexpensive solution
· Simple to apply and remove
· Odor free and water soluble
· Trains cats to use their scratching posts!
· Use on furniture, drapes, stereo speakers, screens and
Package of five, 9" x 12" strips.
Color: clear